红外滤光片通常可作为隔热片使用,因为其可透射可见光而阻止了780nm以上的红外光。通常用来保护对红外光比较敏感的CCD,或用在照明系统中。值得注意的是在UV波段的强辐射和低于320nm的光波(如X射线灯)下照射此滤光片,其透射特性可被永久性改变。UV片/红外滤光片上镀多层膜,可完全截止不需要的UV光和红外辐射。特别推荐用于数字成像用的没有装IR保护片(或被移除掉的)CCD上。本品有一定的缺点,在30度入射角时不推荐使用,但是,其它角度入射都没有任何问题。UV/VIS截止滤光片可吸收大多数紫外光和可见光。红外成像包括可见光和红外光,我们推荐R-72 IR滤光片(透射720nm以上的波段)。注意,CCD镜头设计在可见光波段,因此在调焦装置中需要有一个去除掉红外光的图象。
There is little effect on off-axis angles; however, it is not recommended for extreme angles of incidence. UV/VIS-Cut filters, also known as Infrared (IR) Pass Filters, absorb most of the ultraviolet and visible region and transmit the infrared region. For infrared images that combine visible and infrared light, we recommend the R-72 Infrared (IR) Pass Filter (which passes 720nm and above). Note that lenses are typically designed for the visible spectrum, so focusing adjustment is required to obtain clear images in the infrared.
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