These filters are available as dual-band bandpass filters, triple-band bandpass filters, and quad-band bandpass filters. These filters are also referred to as dual-band filters, tri-band filters, or quad-band filters, respectively. They are ideal components in spectroscopy and clinical chemistry applications, as well as biotech instruments such as DNA sequencers and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing platforms.
Dual-band bandpass filters feature four designs with passband wavelengths from 433 and 530nm to 577 and 690nm. Triple-band bandpass filters feature three designs with passband wavelengths from 432, 517, and 615nm to 464, 542, and 639nm. Quad-band bandpass filters feature a design with passband wavelengths of 440, 521, 607, and 700nm.
Note: All filters feature wide out of band blocking from 250 - 1100nm with deep OD 6.0 blocking at critical discrimination wavelengths. For complete transmission and blocking profiles, download the individual curve for each filter.
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