
UltraFast Innovations (UFI) 三阶色散 (TOD) 超快反射镜

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UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Third Order Dispersion (TOD) Ultrafast Mirrors

UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Third Order Dispersion (TOD) Ultrafast Mirrors

  • 7° AOI 下高达 -2500fs3 的高负三阶色散 (TOD)
  • 非常适合在不引入额外 GDD 的情况下补偿 TOD
  • 0fs2 的低群延迟色散 (GDD)
  • 另外提供 II-VI LightSmyth™ 透射衍射光栅

UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Third Order Dispersion (TOD) Ultrafast Mirrors provide high throughput, zero group delay dispersion (GDD) and highly negative third order dispersion. These TOD mirrors compensate for the dispersion typically introduced by grating compressors for pulse durations below 50 femtoseconds. At an angle of incidence of 7°, these mirrors feature high reflectance >99.9% for p-polarization to limit losses in laser compressors. UltraFast Innovations (UFI) Third Order Dispersion Ultrafast Mirrors are ideal to compensate for TOD without introducing additional GDD. Please contact us if your laser system requires a custom size, wavelength, or pulse profile.
